Duck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed Platypus

Duck-Billed Platypus


Latin: Ornithorhynchus Anatinus

Size: 34x3020cm

Description: The platypus is perhaps the world's most curious creature. It has the body of a miniature otter, the beak of a duck and also it sports flippers. It is also a mammal that lays eggs like a bird. So it is something of a fairy-tale animal, and the anonymous taxidermist who created this obviously saw it as such. He created a fairy-tale pose - for no platypus ever stood on its hind legs like this in life; they always remain on all fours or else they are swimming in the water. So this charming piece is almost unique. Curiously one other example exists in this kind of pose - so, obviously there were two taxidermists in antique times that had the same fanciful idea.